Top 10 Reasons for Going to Our 25-Year High School Reunion:
10- A chance to laugh 'til you cry as you reminisce with your oldest friends.
9- You don't have to lie about your age.
8- Feel better realizing that you're not the only one who has been married, divorced, married, divorced, and is still looking.
7- Enjoy an evening out without kids (or grandkids!)
6- Meet classmates' families at Sunday Fun Day at Lei-ti!
5- Awesome '80s music for an entire weekend!
4- Curiosity -- what has everyone been doing all these years? See who looks exactly or nothing like they did in high school (don't worry -- there'll be name tags!)
3- Begin new relationships with classmates you may not have hung out with in high school.
2- You've lived and learned and still love a great party!
And the Number 1 reason:
You're part of what made the Class of '84 so great, and it just wouldn't be the same without you there!
Video of the Day
1 comment:
Hi all,
Received your invite in the mail, how you found me I'll never know, heh. I won't be making the 5000 mile trip to the good old U.S. for the reunion, but it's been fun looking at this blog. My email is cristijrg@gmail.com if anyone wants to drop me a line. Hope everyone is well, healthy and happy.
Cristi (formerly Rettke)
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