On this day of love, we thought it would be fun to post some love-related "Senior Wishes" from our yearbook!
We'll find out how many of these actually came true at our 25-year reunion!
"To live on a beach in California next to a gorgeous rock star"
"To be successful, healthy, and with the one person who will make me eternally happy (whoever he is!)"
"To re-live old memories and '84 Monte Carlo with a good-looking guy in it"
"A long and happy life with Kevin"
"To play football in college and then to settle down and lead a successful life with someone special"
"For a long and happy life with two kids and the man I love (Don)"
"To become a billionaire and to have the best-looking ladies to wait on me"
"To marry a millionaire"
"Marry the one I love; take a trip to Europe and cruise the German highways, some of which have no speed limits, in a Porsche (not necessarily in that order)"
"A happy life with a lot of friends and love"
"A harem of beautiful girls from all over the world"
"A weekend in a cabin far away with John Stamos"
"To have a long happy life, with Skip always to turn to"
"To get married to a handsome millionaire and have two angels"
"To form my own construction company, get married and have kids"
"For Bruce and I to be married and love each other forever"
"A car like ZZ Top's with girls included"
"To have a successful career and live in Hawaii with 1983's Mr. America"
"To have my own island in the middle of nowhere with my future husband"
"A good paying job and to live happily ever after"
"To get a good paying job and find the right girl for me, then settle down"
"To marry a bodybuilder with a lot of money and to have kids"
"My one wish would be never to be lonely"
"To go to college on a full paid scholarship, get an excellent job, and then get married and be happy for the rest of my life with the one I love"
"I would hope for a happy life with someone special"
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