Welcome to the new spot for information about the Class of 1984's 25-year reunion!
Can you believe it has been that long?!
Ann and Marie have started the ball rolling for a reunion next summer ('09) and this blog will keep you up-to-date on the latest happenings, so check back regularly.
We want a great turn-out (we miss you!), so your participation is key.
We have a class roster with severely out-dated addresses, so let's start by finding out where you are!
We set up a special e-mail for the reunion, so please send your contact info (address, phone, e-mail, etc.) to
You can also use that e-mail address for input, questions, anything! And if you have any of our fellow classmates' current contact info, send it along -- it'll really help.
So, spread the word about the reunion-- we are looking forward to hearing from you!
Happy Summer,
Ann & Marie
Video of the Day
Marie: this is a great idea! Thanks for setting it up. I'll let Nettie know to check here for updates and she can spread the word "back home"
Well I cannot commit to anything until I know dates on when things are going to be and where they are going to be held...keep us posted.
Hi Sally!!!
How are you?!
We are shooting for July 18th weekend '09 at a location close to Alexander.
We'll have specific details really soon!
Good to hear from you! Keep checking back.
Fabulous idea Marie! I'm putting a reminder in Outlook and hope this will be a success. I plan to check back occasionally to see if there are any updates. I do plan to be up there next summer for a trip as my parents spend their summers on Lake Ontario. It will certainly be quite interesting to see everyone after so many years. I hope to see you all there!
Hi Annette!!!
Great to hear from you and really looking forward to getting together to catch up after all these years. Be sure to send us your contact info so we have it when we are all set to send out invitations.
Happy summer! Hope things are going great for you!
Hey Marie, I am doing good, still living in the area in Bethany close to where Margarete grew up.
Going back to school this fall to get a degree in teen counseling so I am going to get busy here soon.
I will keep checking in, that is close to my wedding anniversary so not sure if we will have plans or nt.
Very cool, Sally. Well, we'll keep you posted. Margaret (now Meg) will be there! And since you are in the area, please help spread the word if you run into anyone.
Thanks and hope to see you!
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