Welcome to the new spot for information about the Class of 1984's
25-year reunion!
Can you believe it has been that long?!
Ann and Marie have started the ball rolling for a reunion next summer ('09) and this blog will keep you up-to-date on the latest happenings, so check back regularly.
We want a great turn-out (we miss you!), so
your participation is key.
We have a class roster with severely out-dated addresses, so let's start by finding out where you are!
We set up a special e-mail for the reunion, so please send your contact info (address, phone, e-mail, etc.) to
You can also use that e-mail address for input, questions, anything! And if you have any of our fellow classmates' current contact info, send it along -- it'll really help.
So, spread the word about the reunion-- we are looking forward to hearing from you!
Happy Summer,
Ann & Marie
Video of the Day